Thursday, November 17, 2005
American Girl stay away from me!!!
Much of the controversy that you see is do to some well done research and a power email by the wife of a friend of mine. Read as follows:
Dear American Girl,
I received the following in an e-mail from a close friend today:
[Responses Pour in to News of American Girl's Support of Moral Perversion
Last week, our friends Tim and Don Wildman at the American Family Association, broke the national news story that the American Girl company uses the dollars from the sales of their dolls to support lesbianism and abortion. Since that time we have received numerous letters like the following:We just received a disturbing e-mail from AFA (American Family Association) about the "American Girl Doll", made by Matel. It appears that American Girl dolls are sponsoring a liberal, pro-abortion and pro lesbian organization, Girls, Inc. My daughter has an American Girl doll which her grandmother bought for her even though I prefered your Beautiful Girlhood Collection. I have told our family not to support the other doll company and to please look into your dolls for future purchase of dolls and clothes. My questions are: 1) would your dolls be the same size as American Girl Dolls so that we may buy clothes to fit my daughter's doll?, and 2) are your dolls made my Matel? Thanks and I think your dolls and accompanying books are wonderful! Many blessings! Emelia R.]
Well, I called American Girl myself to ask if these allegations were true. I was thanked for my concern and assured that this was not true. The American Girl representative told me a little about Girls, Inc., the organization in question, and told me that they gave $50,000 to that organization and continue to give $.70 of each $1.00 bracelet sold by American Girl to Girls, Inc. He told me that the website for Girls Inc. does have some links on there for girls who have questions about abortion, abstinence, and homosexuality, but that those links were not easy to get to – you have to be looking for them. He also said that the organization does not condone homosexuality, but that they are neutral and just provide information. He gave me the website address of Girls, Inc. and I went to check it out. At first, it looked like someone had really gone off the deep end and was just trying to promote another company which sold dolls similar to the American Girls collection. Then, however, I followed a very easy-to-see link to some Girls, Inc. fact sheets and read them. Here is what I found:
On page three of the Girls Inc. document, “Girls and Sexual Health”, is printed in bold letters in the left margin of the document, “The transition to adolescence can be understood as a period of entry into the institution of compulsory heterosexuality.” Down a little lower is printed in the same bold print, “The emergence of a lesbian identity is an ongoing process, rather than an event.” The Sexual Orientation section of the document, just to the right of these bold messages, goes over the conflicting feelings of lesbians in adolescence, the greater likelihood of lesbians and gays to experience violence in school or to attempt suicide, and the issue of “coming out”. That doesn’t sound like a very neutral position on the subject of homosexuality. The link to the document from the Girls Inc. website is: Please take a look at it and see for yourself. I really went into this with an open mind, determined to be a continued loyal customer of American Girl, but sadly I must say that this caused the loss of a good client for the company. I should say clients – there are numerous people in our family who purchase from American Girl and who will not be purchasing from them in the future.
How can American Girl maintain that their support of Girls Inc. does not support some of the agenda for which the organization stands? We support the things that we believe in with our money. The charitable donations of American Girl to Girls Inc. helps to support their agenda condoning homosexuality as something natural, and to an extent, even something to be encouraged. As the mother of a daughter, if I became aware of “confused” feelings in my daughter, the last thing I would want would be for someone or some organization to lead her in the direction of further exploring a destructive and godless lifestyle.
Proof that one is not born a lesbian is the number of people who have been delivered from this “alternative lifestyle” of homosexuality. You can be born Hispanic. There are no former Hispanic people, but there are plenty of former homosexuals. As the mother of a Hispanic daughter, I resent it when homosexuality is called a minority, as if being Hispanic is the moral equivalent of committing sodomy. Your dolls and their accessories will be missed.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Christian Education in the Modern Age
I have a professor at Seminary Dr. Johnson that is becoming quite the writer. He has recently has a submission in CrossRoads: A Southern Culture Annual A little info about it can be found here .
You can also learn aobut some of his other writings and his professional work at these sites. and .
The best pictue of him is found on the seminary faculty we page.
I can’t post any of his work without permission and all that goobley-gock so i submit to you this is a poorly written abstract of Christian Education in the Modern Age that was written For Dr. Ronnie Johnson at B.M.A.T.S. a while back.
Christian Education seems to have come a long way since its early days and its beginnings in the Jewish faith. Many things we do today were new a radical in their time. We try to push the envelope at times in our efforts to equip the saints.
One of the most significant events to happen in Christian education was the response of “Bobby Wild Goose”, better known as Robert Raikes to complaints of the “little old ladies” of his church. His response to the complaint of children running amuck in the streets was the creation of Sunday School.
The birth of the Vacation Bible Schools that has now morphed to 5 day Bible clubs was an important change in the reaching aspect of Christian Education brought on by Robert G. Boville. This is only rivaled in importance by the return of men back to God, Church and Family in the Promise Keepers movement, instituted by Bill McCarty.
In the nineties another wave or push towards discipleship with the birth of The Purpose Driven Church philosophy in a public format that re-emphasized five biblical purposes that a Church must have. One of those essential, non-negotiable purposes of the philosophy was Discipleship of Believers.
Earlier I posed the idea that, “Christian Education seems to have come a long way since its early days and its beginnings in the Jewish faith. From that a question arises, “Has it really?” It seems things have come full circle. The teachings of the Mishnah are being still proclaimed:
“And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.” (Deut. 6:5-9 KJV)
In the modern church, there has been a refocusing on this set of teaching with regards to doing these things in Christ. When new Christians are properly discipled they are taught to make The Word of God part of their daily life, as well the seasoned believer is also challenged to continually learn more. The era changes, but the truth remains the same. A modern translation that is trying to reach new generation with the spirit of The Word, The MESSAGE, renders them this way.
“Love GOD, your God, with your whole heart: love him with all that's in you; love him with all you've got! Write these commandments that I've given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder; inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates. “(Deut. 6:5-9 MSG)
Today, we have house churches, small groups and cell groups that are not unlike early apostle led Bible studies. We pass around CD sermons, DVD Bible studies, and email devotions like the Letters of Paul that were exchanged by early believers. For all of this, we still have those who are undiscipled, and will not believe in Christ. We have made great steps in our efforts to create well rounded, mature believers, but we still have much work to do in the future generations of Christian education
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Props for Prop 2
On the other side of the coin I heard about a foot washing ceremony (not ordinance) that took place at a friends wedding. After hearing about the awe striking event I spoke to David about it. He stated to me “we were trying to really say something about marriage with our marriage ceremony.”This is not to say that their marriage was a politico-religious statement, but that they feel that marriage is sacred and important. They took their vow with the belief that it is for life and that marriage is not just going steady or playing house. David and Amanda are not a Starter Marriage, they are a Covenant Marriage. I am grateful to David and his wife, Amanda, for taking such a stand with their marriage and not letting the world belittle their vows, and their commitment to Christ and each other.
David is a M.DIV. Graduate of BMA Theological Seminary, where I currently attend. He also serves as the Assistant Development Director at his Alma Mata and as the Pastor of Blackjack Baptist Church in
If you want to get a great class with a solid man teaching it Bro. David is teaching,
CH 412 | History of Christianity | Th 8 a.m.-12 p.m. | Erickson |
You can contact the Seminary about talking his Course at the information below.
Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary
1-800-259-5673 Monday-Friday 8 am - 4:45 pm Central Time (903) 586-2501
Fax (903) 586-0378
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Wisdom from Laffy Taffy
I was eating a piece of grape Laffy Taffy when I turned it over took look at the jokes on the back. The first one was as lame as one would expect.
Q - Why did the Doctor’s family never get to see him?
A- Because he never makes house calls.
I know what a really knee slapper. Sorry, but I had to share it to tell you about the next one. It read as follows.
Q - What have you seen that you will never se again?
A - Yesterday
Who knew what thought provoking depth could come from the back of a candy wrapper. The said truth is that this nickel candy is nothing more that the harshness of reality. Yesterday is not just so five minutes ago, but it is fast and fleeting. It is here and gone before we know it. Think of all those yesterdays and all the missed opportunities reminded me of
The Apostle Paul put such thing this way, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Phi 1:21 ESV. This verse has been a heart verse fro me ever since I was it on a t-shirt back in high school. Let us remember to be doers of the words, not just hearers and sitters of the Gospel.
Please pray fro the
Monday, November 07, 2005
First Thought
So the first blog is sort of a lame. It should be words of great thought and set the tone for the rest of the blogs life. Unfortunately for most it is mere typed prattle and incoherent. Same here!!! Anyway with a new blog in the birth I hope to share thought of life and God. Hopefully with, you will get a chance to see what a normal life is like. I plan to simply share and encourage. You will get to see me in a day in day out sort of fashion. Kind of like walking with Chris as Chris walks with Christ. Hope you wore good shoes because we might be walking together for a while.