Wednesday, November 29, 2006


"Truth is the consistency and agreement of our ideas with the ideas of God." - Jonathan Edwards

sneek peek for all you regular readers

Next fall, as per my inside source, will have a special SBC guest. The Lion. That is right, at the Brand lecture, Paige Patteson will be adressing the BMA Theological Seminary body. I understand that the topic will be on glossa, γλῶσσα, the gift of tongues. So will the unleashed Lion be able to tame the tonuges issue amoung Baptist. Well, we will have to wait and see.

the making of community

Kyle Sears is planting a new church in Hutto, Tx called Resonate. While I really dig the name (it's just too cool), I found a thought proving post on thier blog from back in June. I have provided the whole post, but would love to hear what you think about community.

June 21st, 2006

The Making of Community

The Sears Family

Posted by Kyle Sears in Love

How do you go about creating community? Just because you live in a community doesn’t necessarily mean you live in community. I’ve found that one of the greatest needs of my generation is the need for community. We grew up in disconnected homes, and that lack of being connected has made us value a rich, community-driven lifestyle. Sites like Digg and MySpace are all about groups of people interacting together. Massively-multiplayer online games (MMOs) like World of Warcraft seek to establish a connection.

But very few of us actually have a true sense of community, of reliance and appreciation for each other in a tangible sort of way. Most of the time, we encounter communities where we don’t belong, or where cliques squelch any individuality that we have.
Unfortunately, this happens at church, too. Many churches are glorified high school cafeterias, where “outsiders” aren’t truly welcomed (at least not before they join). We say we’re a community of believers, but often that means we’re a community of people gathered around an event or a program. Jesus made it clear that true community forms around a cause (Matthew 4:19).

At Resonate Community, we want to show people how to live inside-out, or lives of authentic transformation (I’ll post more on what this means later). This lifestyle is available to anyone and everyone, even if you’ve never been to church before. I think that, as we help others find this kind of life, they’ll want to join us in our cause. And as we bond together, community forms. Suddenly, it’s not about what we wear or what kind of car we drive or how busy we are, but it’s about helping others find the heartbeat of God. As Resonate Community gets started, we want that passion to sustain us. Not everyone is going to “get it.” Some people will always think that church means wasting your time for an hour or two on Sunday morning. We think there’s more to it than that. Church can be a place where people find who they really are, and are happy with what they see.

Monday, November 27, 2006

to phd or not and then what?

not awaly do we get what we want, notr do we know what we are getting in too. As well, i have had some questions about perusing a PhD or not. Then I have the wonders about beings A "fresher" or a new PhD grade trying to get a teaching position. the link below has a great help and a new source of worry.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

phd or nor

thininking aboout research, academiaand pedagoary at the collegette level. think again. Daniel (not Dan) may persuade you to not get a phd after all. or this is really good advice for what you should do if you want to.

Sibboleth: TEDS

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Thank you, Dr.House

The other night, on Friday, November 10, 2006 on an episode of House, entitled Fools for Love, on USA network; Dr. House (of the shows name sake) made a funny. He said that he was kept up late at night because of the Loch Ness monster, Global Warming, Evolution and other “mythical things”. The last part in quotes and italics because I had already begun to laugh and can’t quite remember what he said. I just was goofing over the equality of the Loch Ness and Evolution. I hope this thought brightens your day as much as it brought joy to my heart.

Jesus vs. Us

The life of Jesus on earth may be divided into two great periods,

(a.) that of his private life, till he was about thirty years of age; and

(b.) that of his public life, which lasted about three years.

The uniqueness to this to me is that Jesus took thirty years to prepare for three years of ministry. On the opposite end of this spectrum is that we have many ministers that take three years to prepare for thirty years of ministry.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Friday, November 03, 2006

Apologize Now

American Legion Called on Senator Kerry: Apologize Now
October 31 2006 Standard Newswire

MEDIA ADVISORY, The National Commander of The American Legion called on Sen. John Kerry to apologize for suggesting that American troops in Iraq are uneducated.
"As a constituent of Senator Kerry's I am disappointed. As leader of The American Legion, I am outraged," said National Commander Paul A. Morin. "A generation ago, Sen. Kerry slandered his comrades in Vietnam by saying that they were rapists and murderers. It wasn't true then and his warped view of today's heroes isn't true now."
While addressing a group of college students at a campaign rally in Pasadena, California, Monday, Kerry suggested that they receive an education or "if you don't, you'll get stuck in Iraq."
"While The American Legion shares the senator's appreciation for education, the troops in Iraq represent the most sophisticated, technologically superior military that the world has ever seen," Morin said. "I think there is a thing or two that they could teach most college professors and campus elitists about the way the world works.
"And while we are on the topic of education, why doesn't senator Kerry and his comrades in Congress improve the GI Bill so all of today's military members - reserves and guard included - can achieve the educational aspirations that the senator so highly values?" Morin said. "The senator's false and outrageous attack was over-the-top and he should apologize now."

Thursday, November 02, 2006

For the 'Reverends'

"In ourselves we are poor, sinful erring creatures, and daily do we have occasion to blush and hang our heads in shame. Therefore we respectfully request that none will address us as 'Reverend'. No worm of the dust is due such a title.

- Arthur Pink