Thursday, April 02, 2009

Kabballah, Dallas and the of Jesus Supremacy

This is posting of a email from Amy Downey of Tzedakah Ministry that is eye opening and a bit scary at times. This has been reposted with her permission.

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors!

Shalom and blessings in the name of Messiah Jesus!

Yesterday afternoon (Sunday, March 30th) was a most interesting day for your's truly. I somehow received an invitation to attend an introductory meeting for those interested in Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) in Dallas. Of course, I could not turn down such an invitation and spent a most interesting Sunday afternoon ... and with no nap!

Before I highlight my failed attempt to blend and be anonymous, let me jot down some of the notes (i.e., blasphemy) I wrote down on Sunday:

  • According to the instructor, 80% of his students in California are Catholic and Christian
    Abraham's intent (as he was the first man to receive the instruction of Kabbalah) was to enable us to have the power to tap into our soul
  • The Bible is not understandable if you don't have the codes of Kabbalah
  • Jesus never said that He wanted to be worshipped
  • The Zohar (book on Jewish mysticism) takes every word of the Bible and reveals its true meaning
  • Our job as humans is to connect to the light force that emanates from the Creator
  • The Big Bang was when the soul of humanity rejected the light of the creator and shatterd into billions of pieces across the universe
  • Our purpose is to become like God and we have to earn it
  • All people discovering and correcting their Tikkun will enable us to become the light that will bring the Messiah
Obviously this is blasphemous in the nth degree. However, what was shocking to me is that while there was a large number of Jewish searchers in attendance there were also people from all ethnic and religious stripes -- including two former SOUTHERN BAPTIST deacons. Obviously we as Christians are not only failing to reach the Jewish people with the Gospel message but also we are not doing too great of a job discipling those who are in the church.
Now let me tell you about my failed attempt to be blend and anonymous (BTW -- a Jewish believing friend told me that I could not blend even if I tried).
  • I registered fairly close to the time for the door's to open and kept to the background while waiting
  • I purposely sat at the back table so that no one would recognize me (saw someone I knew by the way) and found myself sitting with a "Kabbalah volunteer" named John and a table of Sephardic Jews who were raised Catholic, experimented with Evangelical Christianity, and found "fulfillment" (cough) in Kabbalah
  • I took lots of notes that made the people at the table pretty nervous and instead of answering questions during the group table time I asked them instead
  • One of the questions I asked at the table after David the Kabbalah leader said that we have to earn our way to God was how would they respond to the idea that faith in Jesus (i.e., Christianity) states that we cannot earn our salvation and that is why Jesus came to earth to die and do the work of redemption for us. John thought this was a wonderful question and insisted that I ask David when we came back together as a whole group
  • Despite my continued attempts to remain anonymous, John had me to ask David the question in front of all 300 attendees!!! David was flustered by the question, stammered a bit and came out with a rather silly response about the coming of the Messiah and light (see above)
  • After the session was over I was surrounded by John and Danny and Don (the two former SOUTHERN BAPTIST deacons) who kept talking to me. So I asked them a question about how David could say that Jesus did not want to be worshipped when he not only accepted Thomas' declaration of worship ("My Lord and my God") after the resurrection but stated that the faith of those who don't see yet believe is even greater (on the way home I thought about Phil. 2:5-11). Again, John, Danny, and Don thought this would be a great question for David to answer and they brought him over ...!
  • David and I then proceeded to discuss the question. He stated that he didn't know much about the New Testament. So I then asked him about the idea that our righteousness is as filthy rags (i.e., garbage) before God (Isaiah 64:6 -- Old Testament!!!) which would make it impossible for us to become like God. He stammered and stuttered and then came up with an analogy of the hand being a part of the body (God) but still being a hand. I then took him to 1 Cor. 12 and the passage in Psalms about being a doorkeeper in the House of God. He had a terrified look on his face and we parted ways.

Obviously I had an interesting day! David the Jewish man who became a Kabbalist instructor was confronted with the truth and it made him nervous!!! Jewish mysticism is heresy and it is leading millions (Jews and others) to hell. Be on the lookout for a special edition newsletter on the subject in the coming weeks. But in the meantime please pray for Alicia, Rene, David, John, Don, and Danny. They need Jesus and they need our witness and prayers. Shalom. God bless.

Acts 20:24,

Amy Downey
Tzedakah Ministries -- "To Equip His Church to Reach His People"