i know next to nothing aobut Bonhoeffer. but Steve of Citizen Bezner does. His PhD dissertation at Baylor is on this very subject.
The Comfort of Tradition
It is not till such times as these that we realize what it means to possess a past and a spiritual inheritance independent of changes of time and circumstance. The consciousness of being borne up by a spiritual tradition that goes back for centuries gives one a feeling of confidence and security in the face of all passing strains and stresses. I believe that anyone who is aware of such reserves of strength need not be ashamed of more tender feelings evoked by the memory of a rich and noble past, for in my opinion they belong to the better and nobler part of mankind. They will not overwhelm those who hold fast to values that no one can take from them.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer -
from Letters and Paper from Prison 57
from A Year with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Carla Barnhill, Ed., HarperSan Francisco, 2005
Hi Chris. You always have the most interesting blog entries (more interesting than mine! I just ramble, and I do that mostly randomly). I don't know much about Dietrich Bonhoeffer myself, but from what little I have read, he is a facinating historical person and a devout Christian.
good to see you are a live. God bless you brother, we miss u.
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