Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Let us Pray ...

Father, let today be a great day for you as you claim victory in the lives of your people. Let us shine not so people will be pleased by and attracted to us, but that you will be pleases and others attached to you. Let the ice in our hearts melt and our voices praise you. Remind us of your glory and let it be heralded across the nations. Shake us to our core and fill us with your fire. Let us sins be forgive by your mercy and our trespasses erased for ever. Grace us will the fullness of you and break us before you. Be blessed by our worship as we praise you alone. Hear our prayers for those who are physically ill and those who are spiritually sick too. Supply our needs Lord and grow our faith. We ask this because of our living relationship with Jesus the eternal, Amen.

1 comment:

Byroniac said...


Wow. Three whole posts since I last checked your blog. Blessings, brother.