If physical healing is in the atonement of Christ, as the “divine healers” maintain, we would like to know how one could be saved without being healed of physical infirmities.
No one can accept the atonement by faith without being saved from sin, but we have reasonably good evidence that salvation has been obtained by some who never obtamed physical healing. Fannie Crosby and Amy Carmichael are examples of this kind. Today we sing Fannie Crosby’s songs which she gave the world in physical blindness, three thousand or more of her hymns being set to music.
It may be pointed out that Christ, while on earth, healed both body and soul, and that he did not neglect the body of the infirmed when he saved their souls. Grant all this, and then we are not bound to believe that His blessing could not have passed to the soul independent of the body’s ailments.
If Christ’s blessings could not be received into the soul apart from physical healing, where there was ailment, then physical healing has been taken out of the atonement since that time, else physical infirmities now are evidence that those who are thus beset are not saved. We can believe that the Lord still gives physical blessings without making ourselves ridiculous by teaching so-called “divine healing.”
I found this while at Kellar Library at the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary while researching on Dr. Jackson. This was in their Baptist Biographies file on Dr. Jackson. Unfortunately I can not find the source of this but it appear it might be from the American Baptist a paper he edited for decades. For more information about Dr. Jackson you can visit the Wikepeida page on him that I started here.
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