Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Back in The Saddle

It has been years since the main thrust of my ministry was Student Ministry. Don't get me wrong, I have always ministered to the Students of the Churches that I pastored, but I would only get to spend a fraction of the time with them that one might want to. Student Ministry was always special to me as a pastor and I never let it be a back burner kind thing, but as the Lead Pastor (I don't prefer Senior Pastor) I was responsible for a greater extent of ministry. This mean that pet projects and personal ministry tasks would have to take a back seat, but the people I ministered to could never be told to "go to the back of the bus" because they matter and are loved. I would often find a way to have a hand in the direction of the ministry or create a change to participate. Several times as the Pastor I taught Sunday School or was the assistant teacher. I would arrange events, create moments to minister, be their pastor just like I was for all members.

I also find it ironic that after over a decade in ministry I am right back where I started so to speak. Involved in Student Ministry! This journey will be fun. It will be great to see if the things that I now know because of Seminary and Pastoral experience help me in discipling the new generation! I hope you will follow the journey of ReYouth.

1 comment:

Criss said...

Dear Blog Writer!

walking with christ.... ! interesting blog, Personally for me God is good dids, and devil is bad dids, depends what you performing in your life..

am not a christian though I start a blog named -christforce- to explore the distance between hell and heaven... distance between you and me..

christ force is not a christian blog, its a blog of god raised from bible the holly book with a mission to gather every blogs belongs to christ in one single hub. And to see- How we Christian express themself in term of "God" and to seek the possibility to bring them back to one string of christ force..

this is an invitation if you are interested in joining with us..

Thank you
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