Monday, October 22, 2007

life as i know it

  • worship is becoming steady at 50 or better
  • visitors are also becomming a regular thing
  • preached on lust, porn, and bad sex this Sunday and found out it causes arguments and coversation at the lunch table.
  • i am slowly moving from tri-vocational to bi-vocational
  • one of my youth kids went to jail - i felt guilty, yet they are old enough to be responsible for their actions and knew better
  • my wife and i are closer than ever
  • currently i am enjoying the new david crowder and chris rice cd's
  • i think about going back to school often
  • i have been subsitute teaching pretty often
  • had a new couple join the the church and they are like fresh, hot cinnimon rolls
  • getting ready for our great fall outreach, aka the old time fair and hoping to make contact with 200 to 250 people


Steve Bezner said...

I don't guess I've ever heard members referred to as fresh, hot cinnamon rolls. But I like that analogy quite a bit.

I really like cinnamon rolls.

Byroniac said...

Glad to hear that God is blessing your church and ministry. I like the analogy, too. It's unique, probably, at least in my experience.

Have you thought about ordering seminary materials for private study? I have contacted two seminaries, and one of them had course materials online that could be ordered for private non-credit study. It would be a great way to get a lot of useful knowledge, and later, if you do return to school, would make pursuing another degree easier, I imagine. Except for the writing papers part, that is! :)