Thursday, June 15, 2006

Q and A

A few questions have been proposed and now is the perfect time to answer them.

Q -“Why did I resign from Carlo and was it to pursue education?”

A - I resigned from Carlos because I felt that God had used me all that we wanted to in that ministry. It was a place where I grew and was challenged and so was the congregation. I felt that God was done with us there. I had no clue where I would go after this or if I would go anywhere. The sad part is that everything that we did for Christ, was slowly undone by some people as we were leaving, and a bunch of other things were proposed to be done after I would be gone and could say nothing. I made my heart cry and my soul bleed to see what was happening. Unfortunately, I was not purposed by God to be there. It was almost like; God was going to let them have enough rope to hang themselves. Not very spiritual, but true. It is amazing how a church can go from 17 to 55 and be unhappy because of the growth and crush the new believers and drive away the new members. Unfortunately, I think of sermons about the Prayer of Jabez in which were have heard that God will not give us more if we don’t act as good stewards of what He has entrusted us with already, Anyway, God was showing us that this was coming to and end to us. Actually, I think that I tried to stick it out a little longer that God wanted us to. Oh, and I would have kept going with the education with or without the pastorate at Carlos. I feel God will use me in religious pedagogy later on as well as the pulpit.

Q - “Why in the world would you choose Baylor University?”

A – I would not have Chosen Baylor. I have felt God showing me this University for some time now. I have fought it on and off, but have come to the point where I have said “God I am not going to fight you, I will submit to You and be happy, because you know what is best for me, even if it is not what I would want.” Baylor will be drastically different from my Missionary Baptist roots. Mid America would go well with what I believe, or Mid-Western, Southwestern, even Southern would have been a closer fit. They are not known for their conservative views if you know what I mean. . As an SBC pastor told me one, we say we conservative and they are liberal, they say we are fundamentalist and they are moderate. I think that is will be great for me from a personal development point. Additionally, they are rated as a top notch Research University. I hope to stick close to the Chancellor Robert Sloan. He is a great guy and conservative. He is the one that cast the Vision 2012. At 20 plus grand a semester in the Ph.D. program, I would have never chosen to go to Baylor, but when the King says go, you go.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

pro ecclesia - pro texana

God has a way of doing things to us and with us that we would never do by ourselves or have he strength to pull off. I bring this up because the Lord has brought Baylor University up to me several times and has been making it more and more evident that it is where He would like me to do my PhD work when it time comes. Now this is not what I would have chosen for myself, but if this is what He truly wants for me, then I will pursue it with joy and tenacity. But Baylor is not the kind of school that my background is. I am conservative, fundamental, Associational, Missionary Baptist and a touch Independent Baptist and to top it off a landmarker. So as you can see Baylor will be one of those places that God uses me to push me, to stretch me and to grow me. It will be different and exciting. So, I guess after I am done at the BMA Theological Seminary, I will become a Baylor Bear.

I guess that you could say that Baylor is pro ecclesia, pro texana, and not pro chris-a.

BGCT gets it right...

In Texas the BGCT is not looked upon fondly by many. In fact a previous pastor I had called them the "Baptist God Cant Trust." but in the article below entitled BGCT gets it right the guys get a little props for a change.

the ringing of the bell

follow the link to a great article on rob bell.

the ring of the bell

follow the link to a great article on rob bell
here is a power quote from bell after they have poked at him.

Bell's detractors have accused him of championing a postmodern fad, of relativizing Scripture, of elevating form above substance.

When people say that the authority of Scripture or the centrality of Jesus is in question, actually it's their social, economic and political system that has been built in the name of Jesus that's being threatened," Bell says. "Generally lurking below some of the more venomous, vitriolic criticism is somebody who's created a facade that's not working.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Changes in life

A lot has happened as of late. I graduated with a Bachelor Of Arts in Religion. I resigned from the Chruch where I as Pastor. I have decided to pursue the Master of Arts of Religion instead of the Masters of Divinity. Not something that I would have even thought about a few weeks back. But things change. I still think the M.Div. is the way to go. I have also found myself part of the book Earnestly Contending for the Faith By Dr. John W. Gregson. He wrote the Fifty year history of the B.M.A. Theological Seminary. It is a really great book and I have enjoyed reading it.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

my simple resume

Christopher D. Price

Born May 3, 1976 in San Diego, California
Married Denise Foster on June 26, 1998 (BSE, ETBU, Spring 1996)
Licensed at Calvary Baptist Church, Crockett, TX in September, 1998
Daughter, Remington born September 2, 1999 (six years old and amazing)
Ordained as Pastor by Carlos Missionary Baptist Church, Carlos, TX on June 26, 2005

March 27, 2005 Present     Pastor                 Carlos Missionary Baptist Church, Carlos, TX

Responsibility includes exposition of Scripture, administering ordinances, providing direction for educational ministries, training teachers, outreach programming and soul winning, and new families.  Additionally, added children friendly elements to worship, developed relationships with the community, led in church remodeling program.

August 2004 March 27, 2005     Pulpit Supply
20032004     Youth Team Leader                              Central Baptist Church, Crockett, TX
Responsible for translating the Pastor’s vision to the ministry of the youth, provide direction and leadership of youth ministry team, aided in transition between youth interims, established a  hybrid discipleship sports outreach ministry.

2001–2002      Youth Pastor                                    West Side Baptist Church, Crockett, TX
Implemented weekly discipleship class, monthly fellowship, and developed youth ministry as family ministry.  Worked to train youth to influence their surroundings as Christians and be bold for Christ.  
1999–2000      Pastor of Youth and Outreach                              North Side Baptist Church, Mineola, TX
Responsibility included the planning and leading of all programming for discipleship, worship, ministry, fellowship, and evangelism of youth as well as direction all evangelism and outreach efforts at North Side.
AWANA Leader, Sunday School Director / Teacher – children, youth, college and career, adult; Vacation Bible School Director and Teacher (Youth), Monthly Men‘s Devotional Leader and Nursing Home Minister, Pulpit Supply and Substitute Teacher for a Christian Academy, Worked with Media Ministries – Internet, Digital, Video, Audio, Print, Chaplaincy Training, BMATS Student Body Vice-President, B.J. Allbritian Ministerial Alliance Member, Outreach event planning, and recruiting for Seminary.

Angelina College                                                                           Lufkin, TX
Core classes
Jacksonville  College                                                              Jacksonville, TX
Core classes

Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary                                                      Jacksonville, TX
Graduated May 20, 2006 with a B.A.R. and concurrently working on at M.Div. at B.M.A.T.S.

1520 E. Pine Street, Jacksonville, Texas 75766
Home 903-586-3208   Cell 936 -852-3627

when it is you time to go ...

Dan “the man” Phillips of Pyromaniacs has a great blog entry about how we never know when God will call us home.  Or death as we know it.  It is a must read.